archived functions/htn functions.R

getGraphDensity <- function(g){

topNodes <- function(g, limit=50) {

addData <- function(dnet, data, edges=T, persons=F) {
  # Passes data from a data.frame to either dnet@edges or dnet@persons
  # For example, distribute results from MALLET across the edgelist
  if(edges == T){
    if(class(data) == "data.frame") {
      dnet@edges = cbind(dnet@edges, data)
    } else if(class(data) == "character") {
      if(file.exists(data)) { # If data is a path, read file.
        data = read.csv(data)
      }                    # Else, assume a data vector and add to edges
      dnet@edges = cbind(dnet@edges, data)
  } else {
    if(class(data) == "data.frame") {
      dnet@persons = cbind(dnet@persons, data)
    } else if(class(data) == "character") {
      if(file.exists(data)) {
        data = read.csv(data)
      dnet@persons = cbind(dnet@persons, data)

extractData <- function(dnet, file, append=F, sub=F, comms=NULL, by=0) {
  # This will take edgelist data and reduce it down to dl@index format, so 
  # users can filter books by network data, or authors / persons.
  if(sub == F) {
    tcps = unique(dnet@edges$TCP)
    df = dnet@index[which(dnet@index$TCP %in% tcps),]
    if(append == T) {
      current = read.csv(file)
      write.csv(df, file, append=T)
    } else {
      write.csv(df, file)
  } else {
    if(!is.null(comms)) {
      subg = subgraph(dnet@graph, v=V(dnet@graph)[which(membership(comms) == by)])
      data = E(subg)$TCP
      write.csv(data, file, append=append)

# QUESTION: We probably want some way of helping our users keep track of
# their network analysis objects (community objects, degree, etc). Perhaps
# another S4 class that holds them? What do you think?

# # For each of the parameters (other than the docList), the user can either provide a data.frame, a character
# # string that connects to a .csv file, or let the default function extract the names.
# buildNetwork <- function(dl, names = extractNames(dl), edges = NULL, persons = NULL) {
#   dnet <- docNetwork()
#   dnet@directory <- dl@directory
#   dnet@index <- dl@index
#   if (class(names) == "character" & length(names) == 1) { # If the parameter is set to a string, read csv
#     names <- read.csv(names)
#   } else {
#     dnet@names <- names # otherwise just pass the value
#   }
#   if (class(edges) == "character" & length(edges) == 1) {
#     edges <- read.csv(edges)
#   } else {
#     dnet@edges <- extractEdges(dnet)
#   }
#   if (class(persons) == "character" & length(persons) == 1) {
#     persons <- read.csv(persons)
#   } else {
#     dnet@persons <- data.frame()
#   }
#   return(dnet)
# }

# # Not sure how you'd like to pass parameters into extractNames(). 
# extractNames <- function(dl, colNum = 0) {
#   index   <- dl@index
#   if(colNum == 0) {
#     print("Column number not defined, trying dl@index$Author for authors.")
#     authors <- index$Author # May need to create a condition. Needs warning message.
#   } else {
#     authors <- index[colNum]
#   }
#   names   <- data.frame() # Create df
#   for (i in 1:length(authors)) {
#     if(i > 1) {
#       names = rbind(names, buildAuths(authors[i], index$TCP[i]))
#     } else {
#       names = buildAuths(authors[i], index$TCP[i])
#     }
#   }
#   return(names)
# }

# buildAuths = function(auths, tcp) {
#   trim.leading <- function (x)  sub("^\\s+", "", x)
#   names = c()
#   tcps = c()
#   if(auths != "") {
#     for(i in 1:length(auths)) {
#       newAuths = as.character(auths[i])
#       newAuths = strsplit(newAuths, split=';')
#       for(j in 1:length(newAuths[[1]])) {
#         auth = newAuths[[1]][j]
#         auth = strsplit(auth, split=',')
#         auth = unlist(auth)
#         auth = trim.leading(auth)
#         #print(auth)
#         #print(auth[3])
#         name = paste(auth[2], auth[1], paste('(', auth[3], ')', sep=""), sep=" ")
#         #print(auth)
#         if(length(name) >0) {
#           names[[j]] = name
#         } else {
#           names[j] = NA
#         }
#       }
#     }
#     #names(names) = tcp
#     tcps = rep(tcp, length(names))
#     df = data.frame(names, tcps)
#     names(df) = c("name", "tcp")
#     ##browser()
#     return(df)
#   } else {
#     names = NA
#     tcps = tcp
#     df = data.frame(names, tcp)
#     names(df) = c("name", "tcp")
#     ##browser()
#     return(df)
#   }
# }

# extractEdges <- function(dnet) {
#   # For each item in dnet@names, distribute into undirected edgelist
#   if(class(dnet) == "docList") {
#     names = extractNames(dnet)
#     dnet = docNetwork()
#     dnet@names = names
#   }
#   tcps = unique(dnet@names$tcp)
#   namesList = list()
#   for(i in 1:length(tcps)) {
#     sub = dnet@names$name[which(dnet@names$tcp == tcps[i])]
#     ##browser()
#     peeps = unique(sub)
#     #peeps = as.character(peeps)
#     namesList[[i]] = peeps
#   }
#   #browser()
#   el = list()
#   for(i in 1:length(namesList)){
#     sorce = c()
#     target = c()
#     type = c()
#     TCP = c()
#     peeps = as.character(namesList[[i]])
#     for(j in 1:length(peeps)){
#       noti = peeps[-j]
#       ##browser()
#       sorce = c(sorce,rep(peeps[j],length(noti)))
#       if(length(noti) >= 1){
#         target = c(target,noti)
#       } else {
#         target = "NA"
#       }
#       ##browser()
#       type = c(type, rep("undirected", length(noti)))
#       TCP = c(TCP, rep(dnet@index$TCP[i], length(noti)))
#     }
#     if(!(length(sorce) < 1)) {
#       mat = cbind(sorce,target,type,TCP)
#       el[[i]] = mat
#     }
#   }
#   el =, el)
#   el = data.frame(el)
#   el$weight = 1
#   el = aggregate(el$weight,by=as.list(el[,1:4]),FUN=sum)
#   names(el) = c("source","target","type", "TCP", "weight")
#   ##browser()
#   return(el)
# }

# extractPersons <- function(g, filename="personography.csv") {
#   persons = V(g)
#   names = c()
#   for(i in 1:length(persons)){
#     names[i] = persons[i]$name
#   }
#   write.csv(names, paste(dnet@directory, filename, sep="/"))
#   names= data.frame(names)
#   return(names)
# }

# addNames <- function(dnet, file, append = T, delim = "; ") {
#   nameData <- read.csv(file)
#   newNames <- list()
#   for (i in 1:nrow(nameData)) {
#     newNames[[i]] <- unlist(strsplit(nameData[i,1], sep = delim))
#   }
#   if (append == T) {
#     dnet@names <- c(dnet@names, newNames)
#   } else {
#     dnet@names <- newNames
#   }
#   return(dnet)
# }

# Adding and removing data from objs

# importPersonography <- function(dnet,path ="") {
#   dnet@persons = read.csv(path)
# }

# buildGraph <- function(dnet, plot=F) {
#   if(length(dnet@persons) == 0){
#     g <-, directed = F)
#   } else {
#     g <-, dnet@persons, directed = F)
#   }
#   dnet@graph = g
#   if(!plot){
#     return(g)
#   } else {
#     drawGraph(dnet)
#   }
# }

# drawGraph = function(dnet, sub=F, by=0, color='blue', labelSize=.75) {
#   if(sub == T) {
#     if(class(by) == "character") {
#       subg = subgraph.edges(dnet@graph, eids=E(dnet@graph)[which(E(dnet@graph)$TCP %in% by)])
#     } else {
#       subg = subgraph(g, v=V(dnet@graph)[which(dnet@communities$membership == by)])
#     }
#     V(subg)$color = color
#     V(subg)$label.cex = labelSize
#     plot(subg)
#     return(subg)
#   } else {
#     V(dnet@graph)$color = color
#     V(dnet@graph)$label.cex = labelSize
#     plot(dnet@graph)
#   }
# }

# detectCommunities <- function(g, type="walktrap") {
#   if(type == "walktrap") {
#     comms =
#   } else if(type == "edge.betweenness") {
#     comms =
#   } else if(type == "betweenness") {
#     comms = betweenness(g)
#   }
#   dnet@community = comms
#   viewCommunities(dnet)
#   return(comms)
# }

# viewCommunities <- function(dnet) {
#   comms = unique(dnet@communities$membership)
#   names = c()
#   comm = c()
#   for(i in 1:length(comms)) {
#     temp = names(membership(dnet@communities))[which(membership(dnet@communities) == comms[i])]
# #     for(j in 1:length(temp)) {
# #       if(j == 1) {
# #         names[i] = temp[j]
# #       } else {
# #         names[i+j] = temp[j]
# #       }
# #     }
#     names = c(names, temp)
#     comm = c(comm, rep(comms[i], length(temp)))
#   }
#   browser()
#   df = data.frame(names, comm)
#   View(df)
# }
michaelgavin/htn documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:50 p.m.